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March 2021: Storms' impact on the electricity market


Storms lasting several days swept through Germany in March. Generation from renewable energy sources covered 47.3% of electricity consumption.

Generation from renewables was 20.4 TWh in March, covering 47.3% of electricity consumption* (43.1 TWh). Renewables covered 45.3% of overall generation.

Storms lasting several days such as "Klaus" and "Luis" swept through Germany in March.
Next month's article will analyse what impact this had on generation from wind power plants and how the month compared to March 2020.

The chart shows actual generation from renewable energy sources and electricity consumption in March 2021.

Initial measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic had a strong impact on March 2020. The resulting effects on electricity consumption and wholesale electricity prices are looked at one year later within the context of current developments.

What the effects have been and more key figures in the upcoming article!

*The share of consumed electricity coming from renewables quantifies the grid load share of net electricity generation. Further information about SMARD data definitions is available (in German) in the user guide.

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