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New on SMARD: New "Energy data compact" section
SMARD is expanding! In addition to the previously available electricity market data, the interactive presentation will now also include a dashboard showing gas market data specifically gathered by SMARD and additional data on the electricity sector.
For the first time, data we have collected ourselves will be published on SMARD. The figures presented in the new "Energy data compact" section are based on the Monitoring Report, which is created jointly by the Bundesnetzagentur and the Bundeskartellamt. These figures are now also available in a digital and interactive format, drawing on data from around 6,000 companies, including network operators, producers and suppliers. In the new SMARD section some of the figures are presented as graphics and displayed as interactive charts. These include data such as household customer prices, which provide information relevant to the consumers. The chart shows the household customer prices for electricity since 2014 for different contract categories, with the consequences of the gas crisis being clearly visible. Default suppliers, for example, which used to be generally more expensive, were at times cheaper than other suppliers.
The new "Energy data compact" section is divided into two sub-categories: electricity and gas. The "Energy data compact" section shows the full dashboard with all graphical evaluations. Tags, which can be found in the light blue bars for the "electricity" and "gas" categories, allow you to further filter the content.
The new dashboard features relevant articles providing further explanations. Every chart comes with a short explanation, and related articles on more extensive topics are available in the "Energy market explained" section. For easier access the articles from this section are linked to the relevant evaluations in the "Energy data compact" section. You can click on the link for direct access to the relevant articles.
In the future, new data categories will be added to this section, which will significantly expand the SMARD data base.