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What makes SMARD special?


With the variety of content on its pages, the platform offers many different functions and possibilities.

What is SMARD?

The SMARD platform – an abbreviation of the German word StromMARktDaten (electricity market data) – is open to everyone and offers an interactive, transparent, informative and compact resource. Platform users can look up data on generation, consumption, the importing and exporting of electricity, as well as data on balancing services for different periods of time practically in real time. The data is available to all users to view in tables or as visual graphics. This data gives an up-to-date and comprehensive view of the happenings on the electricity market, while at the same time making it easy to see the interworking between energy from renewable and fossil sources as well as with the wholesale price of electricity.

On SMARD not only can you find the electricity market data but also some general information about the main terms used when explaining the electricity market. In the "Electricity market explained" and "Electricity market topics" sections you will find some additional, explanatory information about the electricity market.

SMARD offers much more than just data. In the "Market data visuals" section you might at first think that only one category can be shown. But actually different categories can be combined together, individual blocks can be selected and de-selected and even the order can be changed to suit and presented as a visual. The interactive presentation makes it easy to see interrelationships. For example in the following illustration:

The chart shows the data on actual generation plus the forecast feed-in from wind power and photovoltaic installations. In addition, data on the forecast residual load are also presented, which are obtained by deducting the forecast feed-in from wind energy and photovoltaics from the forecast electricity consumption. This gives you the possibility to carry out your own analyses from different perspectives.

How many power stations are there in Germany? Which types of energy source are there? Where can I get information on this?

What would be your guess as to how many power stations there are in Germany?
Under "German electricity market" you will find a map with the locations of all the German generation units. Such a geographical illustration makes it immediately apparent where most of the power stations can be found. You can also search for specific power stations or locations. This functionality lets you discover which energy sources are predominant in which areas. Important basic information is also given, such as the status of individual power stations. For those power stations with installed generating capacity of 100 MW and more, additional information is provided on the specific amount of electricity fed into the grid.

Can the data be saved?

You can download and save any data on the SMARD platform free of charge using the "Data download" function, as long as you name the source. Data download is possible in various resolutions. You have a choice between the following resolutions: quarter of an hour, hour, day, week, month and year. In the "Market data visuals" section you can again choose between these resolutions, allowing the data to be presented as overall figures.

SMARD can even be personalised to suit you. For this you need to register free of charge for a user account. This lets you file different graphics and articles and save the basic settings, so you do not have to reconfigure your settings the next time you visit the platform.

Editorial support

In the editorial content, developments on the electricity market are analysed and classified. The platform is continuously being developed. Ideas and comments are welcome and can be sent via the feedback form or by email to the SMARD team.

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